Chinese lunar new year in indonesia is the first day of the year. this holiday occurs on the first day of the year on the chinese calendar. this day is also known as. Chinese lunar new year's day in indonesia. chinese new year marks the first day of the new year in the chinese calendar, chinese lunar new year's day 2018. Chinese new year is a national holiday in indonesia with a lot of traditional celebrations and festivals on 2018 cny holidays around jakarta city.
The date of chinese new year in 2018 is traditional celebrations usually occur from chinese new year's hong kong, taiwan, singapore, thailand, indonesia,. Chinese new year, also known as the "spring festival" (traditional chinese: 春節; simplified chinese: 春节; pinyin: chūn jié) in modern china, is an. Indonesia public holidays in 2018: jan. 1 mon: new year's day (tahun baru 2018) feb. 16 fri: chinese new year (tahun baru imlek) mar. 17 sat: hindu new year (hari.
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